Alex Acosta

Meet Alex Acosta, one of our Architectural Staff members. Alex was born in Dallas, Texas and raised in Garland, Texas. Alex received both a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and a Master of Architecture from the University of Texas at Arlington. Alex has worked on various scales of architectural projects which range from high end residential to small commercial.

In his free time, Alex enjoys nature, hanging out with friends, playing recreational sports, watching the Denver Broncos, and most importantly collecting LEGOS.

Alex Acosta
“I think you never stop learning.” - Norman Foster

During his time at Glenn|Partners, Alex has been working with Aaron Ewert on the design for the new Pre-K through 8th grade Collin County Regional Catholic School.

To learn even more about Alex, check out the following fun facts!

Favorite Food

Mexican Food

Favorite Movie

Star Wars

Favorite Music

Regional Mexican

Most Exotic Place Visited

Tulum, Mexico

Happy Place

Watching the Broncos

Favorite Hobby

Binge watching Suits

Favorite Architect


Favorite Building

The Vessel

What Inspires You

The endless opportunities the world has to offer

Fun Fact

My parents changed my name from Alexis to Alex when I was 4!

First Moment when you realized you wanted to be an Architect

When I was introduced to the world of architecture in high school, I was intrigued by all the different opportunities that architecture had to offer. I could pursue drawing, construction, graphic design, and even become a LEGO Designer! This, along for my continued interest for buildings and skyscrapers, sparked my desire to become an Architect.

Favorite Quote or Saying

“It’s gonna be legen-wait-for-it-DARY!”