At Glenn|Partners, we believe in not only providing more senior level experienced architects and interior designers for your projects, but we also believe in providing a complete and balanced design team rich with opportunity, responsibility and trust. The design staff is our team’s most valuable resource. Providing a thriving, nurturing and socially active office culture encourages young staff to learn, connect, grow and fully experience our profession from initial programming through construction. These professional attributes promote individual confidence while shaping client trust and project accountability.

At Glenn|Partners, we believe in not only providing more senior-level experienced architects and interior designers for your projects, but we also believe in providing a complete and balanced design team rich with opportunity, responsibility, and trust. The design staff is our team's most valuable resource. Providing a thriving, nurturing, and socially active office culture encourages young staff to learn, connect, grow, and fully experience our profession from initial programming through construction. These professional attributes promote individual confidence while shaping client trust and project accountability.
alex acosta
andria barton
sydney bernato
scott bojanowski
david brewerton
jennifer craddock
ben doyle
greg estes
michelle estes
aaron ewert
mariah fairbanks
riley fleming
trey freel
briar glenn
patrick glenn
laura gorden
tess haverstick
dan holt
sarah kersey
angela kraus
carson lane
kelcy leach
brennan masters
tim mcclure
sarah mcgreevy
jackeline menjivar
stuart monte
maria nguyen
fátima moufarrige pacheco
douglas payne
grace pham
gabrielle pierson
victoria richter
kathryn rocha
shahrzad rokn
jake salo
isaiah sigala
david sinco
bristie smith
steve smith
janah st luce
levi swinney
hailey vandruff
ryan williams