Jennifer Craddock

Meet Jennifer Craddock, Senior Project Manager in our Dallas office. Originally born in Louisville, Kentucky, she moved to the Dallas metroplex at age 2. She decided in her late 20s (and with 2 kids, but with the support of her husband, Jason) to pursue becoming an architect.

Her two sons are the most interesting people she knows. The oldest, Avery, is a botanist and lives in Washington State teaching students to build resilient and sustainable rural communities and healthy ecosystems. The youngest, Dylan, is a Marine and Embassy Guard who has been stationed at embassies in Japan, Germany, and Pakistan. With kids on opposite sides of the planet, travel is Jenn’s greatest past time – with always at least 3 trips planned in the future.

Jennifer Craddock
“The one thing all humans share is that we all inhabit the same limited amount of real estate, which is Planet Earth.” - Bjarke Ingels

During Jenn’s time at Glenn|Partners, she has been involved on the Northwest ISD Administration Building, Fort Worth ISD McClean Middle School and 6th Grade Center as well as the University of Dallas Student Housing project.

To learn even more about Jenn, check out the following fun facts!

Favorite Food

Stone Crab Claws

Favorite Movie

The Harry Potter Series

Favorite Music

Lord Huron

Most Exotic Place Visited

Toledo, Spain

Happy Place


Favorite Hobby

Colored Pencil Art

Favorite Architect

Herzog & DeMeuron

Favorite Building

Sainte-Chapelle, Paris

What Inspires You

The enthusiasm of young architects

Fun Fact

Jennifer was on a X-Games style roller-blading team the summer between high school and college.

First Moment when you realized you wanted to be an Architect

The first time I went to the Majestic Theater in Dallas was on a date when I was 16 years old. I had never seen a space that was so detailed and luxurious – the red velvet chairs, gold gilding…spectacular. And I thought I would love to be able to create something so beautiful.

Favorite Quote or Saying

“Finish the day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson