Sydney Bernato

Meet Sydney (Syd) Bernato, our newest Interior Designer. Syd was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and moved to Dallas for her new position at Glenn|Partners. Her passion for design started early in life, and she always knew she would have a creativity-driven career. Syd graduated from Indiana University (Go Hoosiers!) in 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design.

At IU, Sydney’s studio professor previously worked under Zaha Hadid in Beijing, and she became fascinated with Zaha’s mind and her drive while being so confident in a predominantly male field. Being in that environment helped Sydney to develop valuable skills and learn how to immerse herself into every design she is a part of. She aspires to become an accomplished designer and is excited to soon be able to see her designs come to life for the first time.

Sydney Bernato
"Architecture should speak of its time and place but yearn for timelessness."
- Frank Gehry

During her time at Glenn|Partners, Sydney has been working with Grace Pham on the new High School 4 for Northwest ISD. Wow! What an amazing project!

To learn even more about Sydney, check out the following fun facts!

Favorite Food

Any spicy pasta

Favorite Movie

The Hunger Games (all 5 of them)

Favorite Music

Classic Rock and EDM but ask me again in a week (Lake Street Dive, Amy Winehouse, and Justin Timberlake are a few exceptions)

Most Exotic Place Visited

Vieques or The Palace of Versailles

Happy Place

Wherever my dogs are

Favorite Hobby

Painting my nails even though I’m not very good at it.

Favorite Architect

Zaha Hadid, Mies van der Rohe, Antoni Gaudi

Favorite Building

The Fallingwater House

What Inspires You

The opportunity for growth

Fun Fact

I used to do acrobatics and I won a headstand contest one year. I’ve also been cave spelunking at the second largest underground lake in the world in Sweetwater, Tennessee.

First Moment when you realized you wanted to be an Interior Designer

When I was little, I would create “cities” out of construction paper and tape that would take up my entire playroom. My mom always told me growing up that I would love architecture and design when I was older, and of course, she was right.

Favorite Quote or Saying

"Nobody's Perfect" – Hannah Montana